Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Walmart is a Disaster

My dinner tonight was an all around disaster. The skillet I've always used to make Hamurger Helper was, for some reason, not able to contain it this evening and spewed cheese sauce all over my freaking stove. It's really tough to clean that crap out from under everything on a gas oven, with the stupid stuff dripping inside of it and whatnot. It also tasted awful. I don't expect much from Hamburger Helper, but wow. I was going to make spaghetti tonight but I forgot to get spaghetti sauce, so I guess the disaster started at Walmart.

It did start at Walmart! It started with Walmart not having Son of a Witch. It had other books by Gregory Maguire, but not the one I want. Stupid Walmart. Now I have to keep on with reading books I've already read just to give myself something to do. I thought Athens was boring before. All I have to keep my attention is school work and TV. And the internet. And those are getting really boring. Books are good diversions, but I want new ones. The same old books are getting really boring, too.

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