Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Walmart is a Disaster

My dinner tonight was an all around disaster. The skillet I've always used to make Hamurger Helper was, for some reason, not able to contain it this evening and spewed cheese sauce all over my freaking stove. It's really tough to clean that crap out from under everything on a gas oven, with the stupid stuff dripping inside of it and whatnot. It also tasted awful. I don't expect much from Hamburger Helper, but wow. I was going to make spaghetti tonight but I forgot to get spaghetti sauce, so I guess the disaster started at Walmart.

It did start at Walmart! It started with Walmart not having Son of a Witch. It had other books by Gregory Maguire, but not the one I want. Stupid Walmart. Now I have to keep on with reading books I've already read just to give myself something to do. I thought Athens was boring before. All I have to keep my attention is school work and TV. And the internet. And those are getting really boring. Books are good diversions, but I want new ones. The same old books are getting really boring, too.

Monday, February 27, 2006


I'm not sure if you've heard of a book called Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. I heard about it on TV or something like that, so I figure other people may have heard of it. Anyway, I finished it this weekend, liked it a lot. However, the end completely pissed me off. COMPLETELY. One of the sub-plots had absolutely no resolution. It was like he just forgot about it (except that he alluded to it at the very end). Thankfully, one Mr. Joshua Boles has brought a sequel to my attention. So, if you read Wicked and are completely irked at the end like me, remember, there's a sequel.

Also, it adds another musical to my "Must See Before I Die" list. Thus far the list is two musicals long:

New Camera

I got a new camera for Christmas and I have just recently gotten around to playing with it and finding all of it's neat things to play with. My other camera didn't have a whole lot of special qualities. Auto focus was about it. This one has a different setting for every kind of lighting you can imagine and it even has black and white and sepia as well as color photo capabilities. It's very exciting.

Ellie always gets to be my test subject, so here are a few pictures of her for your viewing pleasure.

Friday, February 24, 2006

AOL Is Ruining My Life

I thought that so long as I avoided the news networks' websites and television channels I wouldn't have to worry about accidentally finding out Olympic results I cared about before NBC aired them. AOL, always the antagonist, decided to prove me wrong. I went to check my e-mail on their stupid website, and I'm greeted by a giant picture of Sasha Cohen on her butt with the headline, "Cohen Stumbles in Blah Blah Blah." Later followed by another picture of the poor girl falling from a different angle. This time the headline was something about a dramatic event. This was a good couple of hours before the skating thing was on TV. I'm used to seeing that stuff if I go to say, the Olympics website, or something like that, but AOL was just mean and I'm convinced they're doing it to me specifically. Because I'm that important.

In other news, I found a nifty cool stat tracker thing for the blog. Okay, technically Blogger found it for me, but I was actively looking for it. It's neat. It has a counter and then it'll tell me things like the city, state, and country that people are in while they look at this thing. Thus far, it's only been me, but then I don't expect this thing to be the most popular site on the net. It'll also tell me if they came from a link on another webpage or if they just showed up. It's fun to look at. And the best part, it's free! Hooray for free!

That sounded a whole lot more like a shameless plug than I meant it to. I just like the thing. I won't tell you the name, then it can't be a shameless plug because you don't know what it is.

Oh my goodness! A new apparatus in curling. It's not a rock and it's not a broom. I think it's for measuring. It's pretty weird looking. At first it looked like a pitchfork, and I thought that was pretty neat. I also thought it made sense because everything else involved is everyday junk. Why not a pitchfork, too? But I think it's some kind of electronic gizmo. So, curling is a bit more technologically advanced than we thought.

In conclusion, AOL sucks, my stat tracker is watching you, and curling involves more than rocks and brooms. And that, my fellow internet users, is why you should be cool and stay in school.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Mutiny Begins (and some more Olympics because I can't resist)

Showing my lungs what's up isn't going to happen today. They turned my legs against me. Walking hurts, running sure ain't gonna go over very well.

Time Warner Cable is a bunch of lucky bitches. I paid my bill online once, and so now I don't get anything telling me I have bills due. At least AEP sends me an e-mail. I nearly forgot that it's getting to the end of the month. Pisses me right off. I never asked them to stop sending my bills in the mail, and even if I had, I'd like to get something to remind me that I owe them money. That's not something I like to remember on my own.

Apolo finally showed that he's actually a gold medal caliber skater. I was pretty disappointed with him up to this point. The goofball wears his helmet cocked to the side of his head. He looks really weird. I take it he thinks it makes him look "street." He claims that ugly rodent on his face grows in that stupid triangle naturally. I don't buy it. And even if it does, I still think he needs to shave it. It looks ridiculous. But then, if you're going to be a world-famous athlete, I suppose you ought to have something distinguishing about you, and a name like Apolo Anton Ohno just isn't enough.

Whoa. Short-track team stuff is really weird. They skate up behind their teammates and push them. Full-contact speed skating. Awesome.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Show Me The Love

I think the hockey team played the entire tournament this past weekend drunk. Their coach said they were unfocused all weekend and were ultimately beaten by stupid Illinois in the final game. Coach said they should have lost their first game against Kent but somehow managed to scrape a win out of that one anyway. Hopefully they don't do that again in two weeks. I demand that they win the national tournament. ACHA has decided that since OU beat Penn State that Rhode Island will be in first place and OU will be in second (granted, Rhode Island beat Penn State, too). Nobody loves the Bobcats. I don't know what Rhode Island's mascot is. Probably something stupid. People should quit loving them. Except their mothers. Their mothers can continue showing the love.

Maybe OU loves themselves enough for everyone else. Apparently this Saturday night the Bobcats are playing the CSCHL All-Star team. I don't know if this is something all the CSCHL teams do or if it's just a display of bravado on the part of the Bobcats, but I think it's awesome.

I found out today that my lungs don't love me. I decided that instead of sitting on my butt all afternoon I'd go take a jog, as it is not too hot and not too cold. It's been a looooong time and I was concerned that my legs would break or that I'd have a heart attack or something. My legs and heart cooperated nicely, but my lungs would have none of it. I forced them into participation and now they're pissed. I'm a little concerned about mutiny. To show them that I mean business, we're doing this again tomorrow. Eventually they'll learn what's up. Or I'll die.

I am very happy at the moment that I am not a racehorse owner, and also that I don't know any. I mean, check these out. All of them died within a couple of weeks of each other. It's sad. It's also more than a little creepy.

Monday, February 20, 2006

I'm an Idiot

So, when I leave for the weekend I generally turn the heat down in my apartment because I might as well save some money if I'm not going to be here. I didn't realize it was going to get quite so cold this weekend and now my apartment is freezing and is having a really hard time getting warmed up. The heater has been running for 3 hours and I'm not sure it's any warmer in here than it was when I walked in. I'm about to set something on fire.

Also, Scott asked that I explain further about Date Movie and its suckitude, but there's no reason to do that. All you need to know is that it sucks. A lot. And Eric owes us. A lot. Explaining anything about it would just hurt your brain, and I can't do that to you. It would be cruel.

But, if you really think you want to know, I can give you a link to a review that hit the nail right on the head. Or, if you don't want to read an entire review, you can check out many tidbits. Ignore the few that make it sound like a funny movie. They're lying.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Date Movie = THE SUCK

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Jacci Defined

Jacci --

Visually addictive

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Yeah! You can't take your eyes off things like me.

My new puzzle is way too difficult. I don't know if I have the patience to put this one together. It's one of those mosaic things with all the tiny pictures that make up one big picture. The tiny pictures are SUPER tiny and so darn similar it's hard to tell whether or not the pieces actually go together. Not to mention the weird shapes. Some of the pieces have spikes.

I am overwhelmed by a desire to go on a cross country road trip. It's really more of a need. I've wanted to do this for freaking ever. I've never been farther west in this country than Indianapolis and it just bothers me. I've lived in this country for 23 years (also known as "all my life") and I've been to a grand total of 16 of the 50 states, plus DC. I've never seen the Mississippi River, or the Grand Canyon, or the Rocky Mountains, or the Pacific Ocean. I've never seen a desert, though a good portion of our country is desert. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy living here. I don't think I'd be particularly happy living in any other part of the country, but I still want to see it. Badly.

Time to watch this evening's Olympic competitions. NBC has been promoting Snowboard Cross all day as NASCAR on snow and showing people toppling head over heels down moutains over and over again. It sounds like it might be kinda violent, too. I'd be interested to learn how it got to be part of the Olympics. But for now, skater dudes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Screw Superman!!

Though nearly two years younger than me, Lindsey Kildow is my hero for today. The girl crashed big time practicing for downhill skiing, ended up with injuries to her hip, back and head, and was helicoptered to the hospital. Less than 48 hours later she limped out of the hospital, went about skiing, and placed 8th. 8th! In the world! With a severely bruised hip. She's made of steel. Screw Superman. Not that I liked him in the first place.

Also, I think these guys doing the freestyle moguls skiing thing are all going to have arthritis in their knees in 5 years. Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, JUMPTWISTFLIP land, bounce, bounce, bounce can't feel good.

I'm sorry if all this talking about the Olympics is boring. It's just so exciting to me and it's all I've been watching all week (with an occasional break for the news or something). I could be talking about Marion's again, so be happy with what you've got, I guess.

Oh, I did a pretty good job of BSing my way through the exam I forgot about. It was a multiple choice type exam, though. Not terribly difficult to BS if you go to class, which I do, because I'm good.

I hate Donald Trump! >:(

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I want rollerblades.

The US women's hockey team tried very hard to lose to Finland but managed to win 7 to 3 instead.

Curling is actually more entertaining without sound.

I can't cut paper in a straight line to save my life.

Thank you, that is all.

Shit, I have an exam tomorrow that I completely forgot about.

Monday, February 13, 2006


The voter types for the ACHA are a bunch of idiots. ACHA standings are thus: #1 Penn State, #3 Ohio (#2 doesn't count because no one cares about Rhode Island). Penn State and Ohio have played each other four times this year, Ohio won 3, Penn State won 1. HA! Take that jerks! Obviously there is a flaw in the "vote for rankings" system, as OU kicks Penn State's ass all over the place.

Boo ya!

Okay, so the picture would make more sense if OU had been playing Penn State instead of Iowa, but I don't have any pictures of them playing Penn State, so enjoy looking at another team that was decimated by the Bobcats.
Also, I freaking love the Olympics. I don't know what's so much more exciting about the Olympics than other international competitions, but I love it. I've never really cared much about snowboarding before, but I get to pretend I understand what the hell is going on. I even recognize some names (mostly from watching the X Games prior to this). The US, (Shaun White in particular) kicks the world's ass.
There's always curling, laughing stock of the Olympic sports here, but still entertaining in small doses. Last time around, watching it muted, we missed what seems to be a very important aspect of the game, that being the people screaming nonsense at each other the whole time. Seriously, though, the game's about as exciting to watch as chess. And if you're Finland, you spend a pretty similar amount of time strategizing. It also turns out that a single match takes about twenty years to get through. 10 freaking rounds!
Man! Olympics, woo! And this is only day 3! There's still another 2 weeks to go! I freaking love this stuff!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Check out my adopted pet Bruce at the bottom of the page. He's adorable. He likes to have his head scratched.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hellz Yeah

You know you love it.

You Are Curling
What you lack in athleticism, you make up for in concentration.And while curling isn't much more of a sport than bowling, you *can* win a gold medal for it!

What Winter Sport Are You?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nothing like waiting until the last 48 hours before a project is due to start working on it. Especially when that project involves interviewing the director of a program within Athens County Jobs and Family Services. He's a busy guy and we have to try to make him fit us in sometime in the next two days. Luckily that worked out.

In other news, we aren't going to Opening Day for the Reds. Instead we'll go to Opening Weekend, and we will see them play Pittsburgh, which means we will get to see Casey and Randa. Hooray! It also means that no one has to skip out on work/school, which is always a plus. Hopefully it won't be as completely crazy as opening day, too.

It's too bad April 8th is so darn far away. I keep thinking this game is in a few weeks. It's in a few months. It's just not fair. It's next freaking quarter. Granted, it's the very beginning of next freaking quarter, but still. It's like a million years away.

My parents are very close to securing something very exciting, but for fear of jinxing it in the late stages, I will not say what it is until it is certain. Suffice it to say that I can't wait until March 17. So many days to look forward to in the coming months. None of them are in February. February just sucks. It sucks so much that spell check doesn't recognize it as an actual, correctly spelled word. Way to go February. Or way to go spell check.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Back from the meeting. I like the dots on this thing. They're kinda neat. I had something to write about, but I forget what it was. It's all the damn dripping faucet's fault. If it would just stop, I could think.

Oh, if you're wondering who creepytrailerguy is, that would be my sister. She's weird like that. But that's not what I was going to write about. Damn it all.

Well screw it. If I'm just going to sit here and tap my fingers on the keyboard for five minutes, I'm obviously not going to be remembering what I wanted to say. So:


Moving Day

Okay, so I moved the journal thing again. What's more, I moved it to a site with a name I hate, but whatever. I had to get away from creepy guy. Now I have to go to a meeting. Hooray!