Thursday, April 27, 2006

Exams Break My Wrist

Writing for an hour and 45 minutes really hurts. It's been over three hours and my whole arm still hurts.

Now I think I'm going to go buy McDonald's for dinner. I'm feeling lazy.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I managed to run away from creepy stalker dude yesterday. It was a surprise. He came to class late so he sat on the opposite side of the room from me, which gave me just enough time to get out the door before he caught up with me. Then I turned left down the hallway instead of right and, thanks to the vast number of people tramping through the hallway, I must have escaped his notice. I didn't have to lie to him to get rid of him this time. Just walk quickly and hide. I don't think that's going to work every day, though. This is turning out to be quite the adventure, though.

I want to point out that this guy isn't the dangerous real stalker type. He's just a lonely guy with no friends in the city and he's kind of latched on to me. He just happens to be all kinds of annoying, too. He also looks like an even less attractive Paul Giamatti. I can't be mean and tell him to go away because I feel sorry for him, but I don't want to spend all of my free time with him either. Not to mention that feeling sorry for someone isn't a good reason to be friends. There seems to be no middle ground with him, though. He can't just leave it at talking when we see each other at class and walking back from class together. We go the same direction and I wouldn't mind walking with him if he would stop at his place instead of always going to mine. I'm running out of reasons why he can't come in. Homework's a good one, but I don't think he's going to buy it for long. I mean, who does homework at 10 in the morning every day? And I already discovered that "I have to go to the library" results in "I'll come with you." It's just so frustrating! Minor, yes, but frustrating all the same.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

TV Is Stupid

All kinds of bored. I could be watching Desperate Housewives, but they're playing some stupid recap episode so I can catch up on the season if I haven't seen it, which I have. It's really not that great this season. I've only been watching it out of habit and because it's something to do. I certainly don't need to see the whole thing all over again. Usually I'm happy that the Reds generally play in the afternoon on Sundays, but not at this moment. I have nothing to do with myself right now. Not even homework. Not that I'd do it right now if I had it, but still, I don't even have the option.

Speaking of the Reds, they got their asses totally kicked on Saturday only to turn around and totally kick the Brewers asses today. Very exciting. And while we're talking about the Reds, there's a game on May 13 that Christina and I would like to go to. Tell us if you would like to come, too! It's Adam Dunn Figurine Night. We need to get one.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

It Seems I Like Apples

You Are Apple Red

You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun.And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial.Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well.However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you.

What Color Red are You?



So creepy stalker dude has gotten even more creepy. I know he's just lonely and the fact that I'll talk to him and whatnot gives him the impression that I'm his best friend or something, but I really wish he'd quit following me around. I had to go to the library to do an assignment yesterday that involved walking around the 3rd and 6th floors looking for random journals that might be relevent to studying mental health. Creepy dude decides to follow me in circles for an HOUR. I didn't have to do the assignment right then, but I thought it'd be enough to deter him from following me around all afternoon. I was wrong. In the middle of this, out of nowhere, he starts telling me how he was shy in high school and he was always looking down. At prom I guess his friends told him that he shouldn't look at girls' breasts while he's dancing with them. Apparently, the lesson he learned here was that he should look at breasts discreetly. My response was, "Or not at all!!" And he said, "Oh, uh, yeah, not at all. That's right." What with this latest conversation and the spending two hours talking about all of his ex-girlfriends and how often he thinks about sex this guy is not doing a good job of getting on my good side. He even went so far as to tell me that I can't be a good baseball fan unless I can throw a ball. If he keeps this up I'll show him just how well I can throw a ball. At his face.

Monday, April 17, 2006


New picture! Very exciting.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Free Points

I am totally confused. We had an exam in one of my classes today. It was on the computer. Apparently the prof likes to make the most of being stuck in a computer lab for a class that doesn't require it. That's not the confusing part.

So I take this exam, there are 21 questions. They're worth varying points, and in the end there is a total of 23 points. Being an electronic exam, I can check my grade pretty quickly. I missed 3.5 points, taking me down to a total of 19.5. My grade, however, shows me having 19.5/20. Where did the other three points go? I'm all for having an A instead of a B, but I'd like to know how that worked out. Maybe she grades on a curve. That'd be pretty neat.


Monday, April 10, 2006


There is a Jell-O commercial that I cannot help but laugh at every time I see it. It's just kids wearing cow spot shirts (or dressed up as a cow), eating chocolate pudding and dancing, but I find it incredible amusing. The song says "wiggle" a lot and every time it does they show the cow wiggling its behind. I love it.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Snakes on a Plane

I'm not generally one to like these kinds of movies, and honestly, after seeing it, I'll probably regret it. But how can you not want to see a movie starring Samuel L. Jackson called Snakes on a Plane? Want to know why this movie is going to be awesome and yet horrible? Because the title is exactly what happens in the movie. Crazy psycho dude unleashes a crate of poisonous snakes in an airplane mid-flight. There's a clip somewhere of Mr. Jackson plugging it on Ellen's show. You can tell he thinks it's going to be horrific. I believe his comment was something like, "I didn't even read the script. I saw the title 'Snakes on a Plane' and said, 'Great! I'm there!" Steph says that he was looking for a simple action movie but wouldn't do it unless it was called Snakes on a Plane.

My only concern is that I'm going to go into this movie ready for a laugh, and instead they're going to be all serious about it. I don't see how you can make full length film out of snakes on a plane. You step on the snakes, someone smashes in crazy psycho dude's face, problem solved.

Here's a fake trailer for it. It might not be real, but it's still funny.

And here's a real trailer, for to verify it's existence. It's at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I'm going to freaking rip the pipes out of my walls. I don't know why they have to be making this noise constantly but it has full on pissed me off. It's 1:30, I can't sleep, I have class from 8 to 5:30 tomorrow, and these damnable pipes won't shut the hell up. I can't even figure out what's causing them to make this noise. It sounds like someone's running water nearby, but it's been going nonstop since about 6 this evening.


Monday, April 03, 2006


Opening Day's not going so hot. The Reds are currently down by 9. The only good side I can find to this is that it is exactly the opposite of how the Reds started out last season, so maybe it means they will end the season exactly the opposite of last season. They need to win. They need to stick it to ESPN and Sports Illustrated and the Dayton Daily News.