Friday, March 30, 2007

Vacation Version 2007

So, I'm all jealous of people who get to go on actual vacations around now-ish. I can't afford to take the time off work so I don't get to go on for real vacation. As a result, I feel like going out of town this weekend. The craziest thing happened when I decided that. I told people I wanted to go to Newport, so that's what we're doing this weekend. Who'd have thought that if you said you wanted to do something other people might actually agree?! Perhaps I should try this more often. I usually just wait for someone to tell me to do something.

I don't know what we're going to do in Newport. There's not much to do outside of drinking at Haufbrauhaus or however it's spelled. I like the aquarium, but I think I might be the only one. I'm also not sure it's open in the evenings. I know it closes around 6 during the week, probably not much later on weekends. I should check that out, though. I could start practicing this whole telling people what I want to do thing.


CreepyTrailerGuy said...

so jacci is a dictator now, huh?

Scott said...

You're awesome Jacci! Next you need to tell everyone they're going to Italy.