Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Something Just Went Bump in my House

I think I made the kiddies at work mad tonight. I've decided that I'm tired of getting in trouble for stupid shit they do, so I'm making them follow the rules to the letter. They seem to think that's unfair. But, I follow the rules, too, so at least I'm not being a hypocrite. I often let them make a pizza and eat it in the back, but I'm sick of having them all standing in the back while I run the kitchen by myself, so no more pizza eating unless they're on break, which is how it's supposed to be anyway. We all got tired of cleaning up their glasses all over the store, so now nobody gets drinks unless they drink them at the bar and put the glass away themselves, which is how it's supposed to be anyway. I got in trouble last week because the employee bathroom smelled like smoke, so now everyone gets to clock out and go out to the dumpster to smoke, which is how it's supposed to be anyway. They all get pissy about it, but they're just going to have to deal. Jacci's going to be a giant, rule-following bitch now. No one's going to want to work with her at all.


Scott said...

Ah the joys of responsibility

CreepyTrailerGuy said...

giant? are you going to pull that one off?

Buttercup said...

Just you wait and see. Also, I think it is interesting to note that the word verification thing almost says "porn." Ha!