Sunday, April 23, 2006

TV Is Stupid

All kinds of bored. I could be watching Desperate Housewives, but they're playing some stupid recap episode so I can catch up on the season if I haven't seen it, which I have. It's really not that great this season. I've only been watching it out of habit and because it's something to do. I certainly don't need to see the whole thing all over again. Usually I'm happy that the Reds generally play in the afternoon on Sundays, but not at this moment. I have nothing to do with myself right now. Not even homework. Not that I'd do it right now if I had it, but still, I don't even have the option.

Speaking of the Reds, they got their asses totally kicked on Saturday only to turn around and totally kick the Brewers asses today. Very exciting. And while we're talking about the Reds, there's a game on May 13 that Christina and I would like to go to. Tell us if you would like to come, too! It's Adam Dunn Figurine Night. We need to get one.

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