Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Boo Summer School

It turns out that taking three classes at once during the summer is not exactly wise. One of them doesn't start until July 10, so at least for now it's only the two, but even so, sitting through 6 straight hours of class is no fun. I'm pretty much dreading the four days I'm going to have to sit through 10 straight hours. It would be different if I had a bit of a break in between. I also don't like having to eat lunch at 11:30 and then having to wait until 7:30 for dinner. That blows, too. I like eating.

To make myself feel better I have procured the sequel to Wicked. Thus far it is quite good. I had pretty high expectations for it, so it must be meeting them to this point. I was very angry when I finished Wicked because one character's story line was left entirely unfinished. It seemed like he had left it open for a sequel. I believe he said something about how the kid went off to look for someone but that's a story for another time or something like that, but I didn't know he had written a sequel, I thought it was just going to come up later in the book, but it never did. So angry. Then Son of a Witch was brought to my attention, and I was much happier. Not only is the story wrapped up (I assume), but there's a whole book! More for me to read! But then more for me to pay, also. But I don't care. I'm getting a little tired of reading the same books over and over again. Not that they're bad, I just want to read new things.

Now I am very hungry. Stupid dinner having to be cooked first. I want it to come out of the freezer ready to eat. But, unfortunately, ice cream does not a healthy dinner make.


Anonymous said...

Yes. summe school does indeed suck. Really the only way it could be any worse was if it started exactly one week after 'regular' school ended and continued until the weekend before 'regular' school started up again. Believe you me, that makes for a LOOOOOOOOOONGGGG year. I feel your pain

Buttercup said...

That would make it worse. That would make it like a job or something.

Anonymous said...

jobs are overrated. let's be hookers.

Buttercup said...

I've got a cat protector now. He'll eat the spider's soul before it can eat mine.

Anonymous said...

you've got a kitty!? I need a pet. No Becky, do not mail me yours.

Anonymous said...

damn, i almost got rid of the spider beast...

Buttercup said...

I have two kitties now, but at the time I wrote about the cat protector, I was referring to my aunt's kitty. I was house/cat sitting last week.

Anonymous said...

your adoring fans demand blog posts

Anonymous said...

Are you dead? I hope not. :-(

Buttercup said...

No, not dead. Just crazy busy with too much school. That and I don't have my computer at my aunt's house, so it's tough to find time for writing when one of the four other people in the house don't want the computer. I try to limit the use to just school stuff. But, since you asked, I'll post a little somin' somin'.

Anonymous said...

The status of Austin Kearns as "somin' somin'" is argueable at best. But I am glad to know you're not dead. What'er you doing at your Aunts house?

Buttercup said...

I am living here where I have no rent to pay and actual, real live people to talk to every day. It's an amazing change.

Buttercup said...

Also, it's my blog. Somin' somin' is what I want it to be, and yesterday, it was my beloved Austin. I call him my beloved, when he is, in fact, married with a kid and completely out of bounds.

Anonymous said...

That's cool. how far is it from campus... are you still in class?

Buttercup said...

Yeah, still in class. Their house is about ten minutes from campus. Quite convenient.

How's that whole Italy thing going?

Anonymous said...

The whole italy thing is.... going. Work continues to be interesting, and challenging, and booring on occasion; but good. But I'm still looking for a bit more out of life, doing what I can to work on that.