Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Boo Summer School

It turns out that taking three classes at once during the summer is not exactly wise. One of them doesn't start until July 10, so at least for now it's only the two, but even so, sitting through 6 straight hours of class is no fun. I'm pretty much dreading the four days I'm going to have to sit through 10 straight hours. It would be different if I had a bit of a break in between. I also don't like having to eat lunch at 11:30 and then having to wait until 7:30 for dinner. That blows, too. I like eating.

To make myself feel better I have procured the sequel to Wicked. Thus far it is quite good. I had pretty high expectations for it, so it must be meeting them to this point. I was very angry when I finished Wicked because one character's story line was left entirely unfinished. It seemed like he had left it open for a sequel. I believe he said something about how the kid went off to look for someone but that's a story for another time or something like that, but I didn't know he had written a sequel, I thought it was just going to come up later in the book, but it never did. So angry. Then Son of a Witch was brought to my attention, and I was much happier. Not only is the story wrapped up (I assume), but there's a whole book! More for me to read! But then more for me to pay, also. But I don't care. I'm getting a little tired of reading the same books over and over again. Not that they're bad, I just want to read new things.

Now I am very hungry. Stupid dinner having to be cooked first. I want it to come out of the freezer ready to eat. But, unfortunately, ice cream does not a healthy dinner make.

First Day of Summer

Happy Looking Forward to Heat, Humidity, Sunburn and Aloe Day!

That's more than a little pessimistic, huh?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Bumper Sticker!

Your Bumper Sticker Should Be
Barbie is not a slut - her legs won't open

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Happy June! My sister is married! Here's a picture!

And here's a picture of me dancing with Becky.

It's really hot. I'm almost done with this quarter. I'm sick of school. I have never missed the Dayton area more than I do right now. Probably because I miss my friends. I want to go swimming, which I will get to do this weekend. Yay! That's about it.