Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Waiting for a Call

"INVASOR! Because he's GREAT!"

That has nothing to do with the call I'm waiting for. I just thought it was funny. I watched a horse race this weekend and the announcers were talking about who they picked to win and why, and Kenny Mayne gave that as his answer. He said it all funny, too. And then Invasor won so he started yelling it again. I guess his reasoning worked, though.

These people need to call me so I can go out and do stuff! Grr!


Anonymous said...

Ring Ring!
Hey Jacci, it's Scott. So you're coming to Margaritta Wednesday tonight right? After that we're going to Pizzaria Dream, and then to live music at Gorgzao. Cool. See you at 530.

Buttercup said...

But I can't make it! I don't have enough time to get ready AND make it to Italy. Thanks for the call, though!

Anonymous said...

i actually called, i didn't just type ring ring. which totally makes me better than mr. powder. sorry, powder, but i win again.

also...calling you powder is way better than calling you scott. so that is your new name. enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to call Jacci for real just so she can be cooler than you, having had someone call from ITALY. Also, there's the spite factor.

And lastly, you're about 10 years late out of the gate on calling me Powder. Welcome to 1996. Other things that happened this year in case you missed it:

The FBI Arrested the Unabomber
Jerry Macguire showed us the money
Scientists found a martian meteorite

All of this is, ofcourse, old news. But you can call me Powder if you want

Anonymous said...

fine, if powder isn't original enough for you, you can be posie. like a pretty little flower. pretty masculine, huh? maybe you shouldn't have complained. and no matter what you do, you can never rival my coolness. because unlike you, i called jacci at 230 in the morning and got her to act like my dad to scare my brother in law. try that one on for size, posie.

Anonymous said...

How is calilng Jacci at 230 in the morning cool? That seems pretty uncool to me. Poser

Anonymous said...

you just obviously don't know the meaning of cool. it's okay, i'll try to help you. you're a piece of work, but i think we can figure something out.

poser is from like 1998.

Buttercup said...

I've missed some interesting stuff here lately. Calling me at 2:30 in the morning is cool when I'm still awake, which I was. It is not cool when I have been in bed for a few hours, though, as is usually the case.

And you didn't call me Scott! Or maybe you did but you didn't leave a message and it was from a number I didn't recognize so I didn't know it was you.

Anonymous said...

As I am unaware of your sleep schedule, normal or otherwise I opted to wait until this weekend when I could stay up until a "reasonable hour" in Ohio time.

xxx-xxx-4269 correct?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

he's a liar, jacci. don't listen to his tomfoolery.

posie, a real friend would already know her number and wouldn't have to double check. 40,000 cool points awarded to ME!

according to facebook, you are now my child.

jacci, you're my mom.

i deleted the post above because i forgot to add the facebook info. sorry for the craziness.

Anonymous said...

Okay so apparently 430pm isn't a reasonable hour. Not when Jacci stays up late the night before. But still, I called her all the way from Italy, and we talked about cool stuff like presidential campaigns, and geeky stuff like my job.

That was fun, I should call up more cool people more often.

Anonymous said...

that last comment had no attacks at me, so i really have nothing to say. consider that a first.

jacci, i love your face.

Buttercup said...

I got a please confirm this info thing from Facebook asking me to confirm that I was your child, but I got that the day after you had me pretend to be dad, so I changed it.

4:30 is generally an okay time, I just haven't been doing much sleeping this week.

Anonymous said...

yes, i am aware. however, based on your gender, facebook says you are my mother, not my father.

Buttercup said...

Yeah, Facebook had to go and be all smart about it. Couldn't have just said that you were my daughter.