Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I managed to run away from creepy stalker dude yesterday. It was a surprise. He came to class late so he sat on the opposite side of the room from me, which gave me just enough time to get out the door before he caught up with me. Then I turned left down the hallway instead of right and, thanks to the vast number of people tramping through the hallway, I must have escaped his notice. I didn't have to lie to him to get rid of him this time. Just walk quickly and hide. I don't think that's going to work every day, though. This is turning out to be quite the adventure, though.

I want to point out that this guy isn't the dangerous real stalker type. He's just a lonely guy with no friends in the city and he's kind of latched on to me. He just happens to be all kinds of annoying, too. He also looks like an even less attractive Paul Giamatti. I can't be mean and tell him to go away because I feel sorry for him, but I don't want to spend all of my free time with him either. Not to mention that feeling sorry for someone isn't a good reason to be friends. There seems to be no middle ground with him, though. He can't just leave it at talking when we see each other at class and walking back from class together. We go the same direction and I wouldn't mind walking with him if he would stop at his place instead of always going to mine. I'm running out of reasons why he can't come in. Homework's a good one, but I don't think he's going to buy it for long. I mean, who does homework at 10 in the morning every day? And I already discovered that "I have to go to the library" results in "I'll come with you." It's just so frustrating! Minor, yes, but frustrating all the same.


Anonymous said...

so he creeps you out...you should start trying to creep him out. tell him he can't come in because you have to take a really big poop.

i got my legs waxed today. i don't recommend it. quite the pain train.

Buttercup said...

It never really sounded like a fun time to me, but thanks for the warning anyway.

Anonymous said...

why not just tell him, 'well, i gotta go.' Give no excuse, just say bye. That could work.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it might work to continue to give a really awful, unchanging response until it becomes absurd and kinda obvious. However, this requires you to be a little heartless, if unflinchingly polite in your delivery.

Anonymous said...

i still stick to the poo theory.

Anonymous said...

Next time he follows you someplace maybe you could just sit down and talk to him about all the annoying, creepy, stuff he's doing. Give him the girls perspective on how he can stop being a creepy stalker guy. Tell him the some of the things you put in this post.

It's not mean. it's just honest.