Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Sometime over the summer I was bored and decided I felt like drawing. I can't, but I decided I'd do it anyway. I scanned the picture so I could play with it with my image editor thing. I was looking through things on my computer and I found the drawing. I'm kind of impressed by it. I showed it to Scott before I think, but I decided to share with everyone. So, for your viewing pleasure, my non-talent:

It actually looks better there than it does in real life thanks to the wonders of my image editor. It smoothed out the shadows for me. And made Alex's name look like I painted it. I'm certainly no Van Gogh, but it was still fun.

Also, apparently I am "super-humanly upbeat" and "charmingly assertive." I may not be a total downer, but I wouldn't put myself at that level of perky. I am also not assertive in any way, but what the hell? St. Patrick's Day quizzes are fun.

You Are Apple Green
You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you.And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive.You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way.Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life.


Anonymous said...

you apparently suck at riding floods to florida...

Buttercup said...

It never actually flooded. I didn't get a chance to try.

Anonymous said...

I still have that picture on my computers. Despite how hard you say it was to draw you're really good.

And, I think you are charmingly assertive because, when you are asertive, its funny. Not funny laughing at you funny, but just funny, not something you see often funny... and funny is charming in its own way.

(it's a compliment, i promise!)

Anonymous said...

so that powder character succeeded in confusing the hell out of me...you're funny but not in a funny kind of way was what i got. could be because my brain is fried due to the fact that i am still having trouble eating. this is not good.

also, you have the coolest sister in the world, which you will understand once you listen to your urgent voicemail on your phone.